PC-SIG: World of Education
PC-SiG's World of Education.iso
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T h e P C - S I G L i b r a r y o n C D - R O M
This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.
The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
PC-SIG library. Every shareware program we have is on one disc; over
900 megabytes of software you can have immediate access to.
Easy to use, all you have to do is insert the disc and type 'INSTALL' at
the DOS prompt. We've included all the tools you need for fast easy
access to the programs and their descriptions.
The WordCruncher text retrieval software allows you to quickly access
the description for any program you want. All the programs are indexed
by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word within the
program description. There couldn't be an easier way to find just the
right program. All the programs are logically divided into thirteen
major categories with subcategories, making it easier to find just the
right software.
All of the programs have been scanned for viruses. There are also three
online virus utilities that can be run from the CD-ROM which will scan,
screen and clean viruses. Not only does this save hard disk space, but
also gives every user added security from viruses.
Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
program for you on the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.
Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.
Shareware for every imaginable need: Accounting Chemistry Educational
Engineering Games Hypertext Networks Programming Spreadsheets Utilities
Word Processing
Additional BBS file descriptions are available from PC-SIG so that the
CD-ROM can be set up quickly on a bulletin board.
System Requirements:
IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 530K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
a graphics monitor (Hercules/EGA/VGA/SVGA). A mouse is optional.
T h e E s s e n t i a l H o m e & B u s i n e s s C o l l e c t i o n
"Never before has such a valuable collection of popular shareware been
compiled on one CD-ROM that everyone can afford." Dr. File Finder a.k.a.
Michael Callahan
Finally, 368 of the most useful, popular, important shareware programs
have been put together on one CD. No matter what your need, it's on The
Essential Home & Business Collection. Everything from Administration to
Windows software is here.
The Essential CD incorporates the WordCruncher text retrieval system.
Every program on the disc is indexed by title, filename, PC-SIG disk
number, and every word in the program description. A new utility, Narc,
is implemented so you can look at the program files and the author's
on-line documentation without having to first copy the program to your
hard disk. By using WordCruncher and Narc, you can quickly find the
program you want and review it to be sure, without ever having to run it
from your hard disk.
If you've got a CD-ROM player at home and want to get more use of it and
your computer, or if you're trying to avoid purchasing another Nintendo
cartridge, or if you just enjoy looking at new software, you need The
Essential Home & Business Collection.
System Requirements:
IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.
Now you can play a game a day fo over a year. This CD-ROM is jammed
with over 380 shareware games of all types, designed to appeal to the
new generation of CD-ROM users out for fun. The CD incorporates a
hypermedia interface and allows 250 of the games to be played directly
from the CD-ROM.
The hottest games in shareware are on this disk, including the
action/arcade games "Jill of the Jungle" and "Wolfenstein 3D," which
rival or surpass commercial PC and Nintendo for use of animation,
SoundBlaster audio, and VGA graphics. There are also games designed to
teach children mathematics, spelling and even ecology. All these games
for less than a dime each!
Over 250 of the games can be played directly from the CD without copying
them to a floppy or a hard drive. Being able to run from the CD means
that users can explore games without using up valuable hard disk space
or spending time downloading and deleting files. The hypermedia
interface makes it easy to browse the titles, read a one line
description or full review, and copy or start a game by clicking the
mouse or using the keyboard.
To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.
Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.